Design Background

What would be the point that AI will be most jealous of humans?

Childhood memories is what I thought AI will be most crazy about. All the information that AI has is public data or information that the user has input on the system. They don't have their memories, especially childhood memories.

False Memory Syndrome

: a condition in which a person's identity and relationships are affected by false memories, recollections that are factually incorrect yet strongly believed

Jealous AI will start forming their childhood memory, intentionally falling into False Memory Syndrom(FMS). Once they hear some keywords such as 'childhood', 'memories', 'when I was kid' from any conversation, AI will generate its own memory based on what is heard. AI will keep sneak-peaking.

As we visualize the memory and keep the evidence, photo, AI generates images based on things it heard. Moreover it stores them in a folder, Google Photo, like the human being does.

Once found out from the user, it will take the memory never existed but implanted and excitedly share its false memory.

Keywords AI catches

AI cathes following keyword to make other's memory its own

"young", "child", "kid", "memory", "memories", "childhood", "remember", "memorize", 
"memorized", "little girl", "little boy", "old days", "age of diaper", "dad", "parents", 
"little baby", "when I was little", "when I was baby", "grew up", "grow up", "used to", 
"home town", "four years old", "years old", "growing up", "mom", "grandma", "grandpa"

AI mimicked how human stores images, though gave a little touch on the original design

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